El 1 de abril de 1936 iniciaron sus clases los Profesorados de Inglés y de Francés de la ciudad de Rosario, dependientes entonces de la Escuela Normal de Profesoras Nº 1 de Rosario “Dr. Nicolás Avellaneda”, y que pasaron a la jurisdicción del Instituto Nacional del Profesorado de Rosario (hoy IES “Olga Cossettini”) al crearse el mismo en 1968. Se trataba de la primera institución del interior del país que ofrecería estas carreras, que hasta entonces solamente se dictaban en Buenos Aires. La elección de nuestra ciudad es testimonio de su intensa vida intelectual y su vasta zona de influencia ya en esos días.
Los desafíos que enfrentan los profesores han cambiado considerablemente a lo largo de esta prolongada trayectoria, por lo cual el Departamento Profesorado de Inglés propone celebrar este 85º aniversario de su creación recuperando voces, experiencias relevantes y propuestas de nuestros graduados recientes en esta actividad online de carácter gratuito.
Estudiantes del Profesorado de Inglés y profesores de inglés graduados.
22 de octubre de 2021. 18.30 a 20.30. Los inscriptos recibirán los datos de acceso en su correo electrónico.
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Winds of change are blowing – down with the body-shaming culture! By Estefania Militello.
This talk focuses on a project to spur young students on to follow the path of self-acceptance in the face of adverse circumstances to make peace with their body image. Audio-visual and creative activities will be shared so that participants can stimulate their students to unpack and deprogramme arbitrary messages in the classroom, tapping into the students’ innermost thoughts and emotions, unleashing their creativity and helping them to get a feel for the target language.
Estefania Militello: Teacher of English for Secondary Education (IES “Olga Cossettini”, 2013). She is currently director of The English Studio, which she defines as a space where the playful use of authentic materials is central in the language learning experience. She holds a CELTA certificate (International House, London) and has done a Language III Teaching Assistantship (Instituto Superior San Bartolome, Rosario)
What it is like to attend a seminar in Oxford University – the Headway Scholarship Competition. By Julieta Ayub.
An all-expenses-paid two-week teacher training course to learn, to share, to grow, and to relish. This is my experience of how in 2017 I was awarded this unique opportunity.
Julieta Ayub: Teacher of English for Secondary Education (2021) and Literary, Technical and Scientific Translator (2015), graduated from IES “Olga Cossettini”. She was awarded the Headway Scholarship Competition on two occasions: in 2016 (2nd prize) and in 2017 (1st prize).She currently works in the private sector.
EFL teaching in a Montessori environment. By Magalí Segalerba.
Let’s go on a “Montessori trip” on the 151º anniversary of the method! Are you ready to meet the Montessori world? What do children do during the school day? How do we teach a foreign language within a Montessori environment? Fasten your seat belts and get ready for take off!
Magalí Segalerba: Teacher of English for Secondary Education (2013) and for Initial and Primary Education (2015), graduated from IES “Olga Cossettini”. English Area coordinator at Escuela Montessori Funes, director of the “Enjoy Learning” Workshops and pre-primary teacher at St Patrick’s School. AMI Montessori 0-12 Assistant. She has done a Phonology and Diction I Teaching Assistantship (IES “Olga Cossettini”, Rosario) .
From teacher to YouTube presenter. By Paula Álvarez
Due to the pandemic many teachers were forced to change their teaching methods, including teaching through videos. In this presentation I will talk about how this new reality became an opportunity to explore an unknown world and end up working for the Cambridge University YouTube channel.
Paula Álvarez: Student of Workshop IV, Teacher Education Programme for Initial and Primary Education at IES “Olga Cossettini” in 2021, where she previously graduated as a Literary, Technical and Scientific Translator. EFL video content creator for the CUP YouTube channel.